Sunday, July 19, 2009

It is not a dream...

My heart is pounding. I can hardly breathe, "I have to make it to the next terminal. I just have to." With out my body's consent, I begin running once more. People are staring. I can hear laughter and see little children pointing. An incoherent voice echoes through out the airport, "Flight...leaving for...will be departing in...." I round the corner. To my relief, the plane has not left yet. He has not left. My eyes eagerly scan the area. Looking for some familiar feature amongst the crowd, I hear his voice. His deep gravelly voice. I turn around, and there he is. I begin to call out his name, but find I have no voice. My lips form the word, yet no sound accompanies it. He looks happy. No, he looks content. His hand firmly holding someone else's hand. I could not quite make out her features nor her voice. They are enthralled with one another. As they walk pass, he suddenly looks up. They stop. His eyes widen, as if he had forgotten something. Then as quickly as the notion came, it passed. Whatever it was, he had no use or care for it now. He hands the tickets to the stewardess and they disappear down the corridor.


Elizabeth Marie said...

B. This is like my worst nightmare.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Yep, that would sincerely suck. What could have been?

Unknown said...

Sometimes it's better to let him be happy and loved than unhappy and alone.

Unknown said...

aww sad.. great writing though

Abby said...

Ugh, I know the feeling you get deep in the pit of your stomach when something like this happens. It's sickening to see and feel, but I guess we just have to remember that while he may be good enough for "her," he was never the man we needed him to be...

Charis said...

My heart!

Windy City Kelley's said...

I'm sorry, not a fun thing to go through...

JINX said...



je_suis_hannah said...

Its like the episode of friends where Rachel goes to meet Ross at the airport and he turns up with Julie in tow. Rubbish :(

Summer Athena said...

this is not how i wanted it to end. poop.

Christina said...

how many time do i have to tell you to get a book deal? i mean really.

Anonymous said...

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