Fresh from the city of sin.
And after a three days in a row of hanging out in Nevada, I found that the sexiest time of the day was in the afternoon. Why you ask? Two words: pool parties. If you haven't experienced a Las Vegas style pool party, I suggest you dip your toes into the chlorine and do so as soon as possible.

I've always enjoyed the concept of a 21 and over pool/lounge because I always come home with stories to make the devil blush. There is something for everyone even if doing naughty things under water is not your style. Just imagine the hottest night club, but with lounge chairs you can nap on.
Too much beer? You won't drown, there is no deep end, just shallow water where you can dance and drink. Parched? Just sit down and re-hydrate while you get a tan. Hungry? Grab the cocktail waitress in a thong and get an app. Your feet hurt? Oh wait, they won't because you're not wearing your stripper heels. (Although I'm certain there will be several females at the pool with 5" platforms and ankle bracelets).
The people watching from what I've experienced, is the best. The array of characters that step into the pool can become quite comical. I was recently at Wet Republic at the MGM hotel and saw women with false eyelashes, caked on MAC make up complimented with a curly coif. Faces began to melt and beads of sweat were surfacing atop layers of make up. So cute, right?
If you must put something on, just make sure it's waterproof. Clinique products will not let you down.
I don't know about you but I don't think I can bring myself to pick up a curling iron before a pool party in 107 degree weather. The water WILL hit my skin... and hair. And my sunglasses will be on. Plus, it's almost impossible to avoid drunken splashes from the pool and obnoxious people with water guns.
Another reason why pool parties are going to rock your world: at a club, ugly tattoos are hidden under dress shirts soaked in cologne. But at a pool party, if tribal bands and tramp stamps turn you off, the red flags are in permanent ink for your convenience.
This summer, pool parties are a must on my agenda. There are a few really good ones in Los Angeles, including the one at the Custom Hotel, that I'd like to make a splash at.
So here's hoping for a safe and sensual summer for all of you. And thanks for reading. I'll be back...

of Make Me Blush